Friday, January 4, 2008


Okay, I know it's a little early for this particular idea. However, yesterday I was shopping at Target and found the perfect thing for this craft. I know that universally speaking, all moms love to shop at Target. So, I'm giving you a reason to head to your local store and check out their dollar aisle!

Look at these cute Valentine's Day mailboxes I found for just $1 each!

Last year, I wrote notes and Valentine's for my kids throughout the month of February. This year, I thought it would be fun to decorate these mailboxes and deliver their mail inside.

If you want to do this craft with your kids, it would be super-easy and fun to give them Valentine stickers, letter stickers and/or Foamies stickers to decorate their own mailbox. You could even use glitter glue pens (can you tell I love glitter yet?) Or, if you want them to have the mailboxes year round, you can choose non-Valentine decorations.

I am planning to surprise my kids with their mailboxes next month, so I decorated these myself. Here is what they looked like when I got done. If you don't have a Target near you, you can always cover a shoe box in pretty paper and decorate that instead.

The possibilities are endless. And, no matter when you use them, kids LOVE to get mail!

One more thing... Once you introduce the mailboxes, it's a great idea to fill a box with paper, pens, scissors, old note cards, envelopes and stickers. Leave it near the mailboxes so your kids can use it to create their own mail to send to you or to their siblings.


Amy said...

Too cute ... I love your new blog site and I am looking forward to running to Target tomorrow to get the girls each a mailbox!!! Thanks for the tip and the idea!!


Cheryl said...

OMG - How cute! What is this "Target" you refer to? I've never heard of it! BWAHAHAHAHA!

How did you do the names on the box? Are those stickers?

Melissa said...

Thanks ladies! Cheryl, all the decorations on the mailboxes are stickers that I bought at either Target or Michael's in their scrapbooking departments. (Those particular letters are by Debbie Mum, so I am guessing they came from Michael's.)

Cheryl said...

Did you spray paint them? I did see some at Target today and they are a lot smaller than I thought!

Melissa said...

No spray painting here, I bought them in the three different colors. They are not huge, I'd say mine are 5 or 6 inches long. I thought it was a good size for notes and Valentine's. :)